Where Has Aaron Been?

Where Has Aaron Been?

We just started the second quarter of 2024 and I haven’t made a single piece of art yet this year. A few people have asked what’s going on with Aaron Thomas Art and if I plan on working on my business this year. In case you’ve been wondering, “where has Aaron been?” I’ll address that here.

First, I want to say that I’m not done making art. In fact, I have significant plans for new and interesting media to work on, and I’ve even created a list of pieces of artwork I want to create to display at shows in the future.

The truth is, 2024 is going to be a very busy year for me outside of my art business. First and foremost, my family is my priority. I have a three year old and an amazing supportive wife. Time is finite and spending time with them is my number one priority and always will be. They are entitled to have my best and they will get it.

Next, I have to say that my day job is very cool. I’m responsible for assembly lines that produce EV gearboxes and I have suppliers and plants all over the world. This means that I travel to Europe a lot and get to see some really cool places. In fact, I just returned from a supplier visit in Italy and got to visit the town Matera, where they filmed part of the most recent James Bond film. I have several launches this year and will be in Europe a lot, making it difficult to prioritize art this year.

Another new adventure is that we’ve started attending a new church and I’ve had the privilege to play drums in the worship band.

I’ve played drums in various bands and churches for about 20 years. Making music feels good and drums are good therapy. Picking up a song quickly has always been easy for me but these newer worship songs have been a challenge and learning them takes time. Professionalism is important to me and like with my art, delivering a high-quality product to the rest of the team and the church is a priority. It’ll get easier as I settle in to the new office.

Lastly, as a true hotrodder at heart, I’ve begun a project that has been 19 years in the making.

I got this 2003 Mustang when I turned 15 and drove it all through high school and college. It’s been with me through lots of road trips, memories, proms, moving states, and starting a family. It’s a V6 (boo) but I’ve dreamed of engine swapping it since it drove off the lot. I now have in my possession a Gen-2 Coyote and all the stuff required to do the swap. Since I’m prioritizing family time, it’ll probably take me a year to finish, but the tear down has started! This is a dream come true for me, one I’ve fantasized about for more than half my life.

So don’t worry. If you’re wondering, “Where has Aaron been?” – I’ve got a plan. I’ve got the materials. Bear with me: 2024 will be a down year for my art business, but I will hit it hard in 2025 and have a plan to create some really rad stuff. Art is therapy and my passion, and I’m here to play the long game.

2 Responses

  1. Cynthia says:

    Thanks for the update email, Aaron. I’m glad to read you are doing will and committed to your family. Traveling for work can be great experiences and I hope your family gets to go with you some. Charlie and I had some marvelous times all around the country, nothing international, though. I recently had a great phone conversation with Lauretta — she is amazing. Take care and say “hi” to your mom. Cynthia Snell

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