1970 Nova Drawing

1970 Nova Drawing

For Inktober day 27, I did the line work on this 1970 Nova drawing. Since Inktober is hectic, I left it at that thinking I’d come back later to finish it. Well, it’s later.

1970 Nova

I was really excited about the cleanliness of the line work – sometimes, a drawing just feels right from start to finish and this one jived the whole way. That said, I struggled to make a decision on what style to use to finish it.

Here’s the line drawing:

1970 Nova line

The choice was up between either classic black and white or colored with markers. So, I copied the original and laid both out.

First, I tried the black and white, which turned out really well. This copy is actually a really tiny version (probably 1/2 scale) of the original.

1970 Nova BnW

Then I laid one out with Copic markers, and rendered it and orangy-yellow. Also tiny. Also pretty cool.

1970 Nova Colored

Dang. I like them both, so I put out a poll on social media to see what you all think. Both were popular. Dang.

I ended up finishing the 1970 Nova drawing with a 1:1 scale photocopy of the line work using the black and white technique. The original is still unfinished. Here are all three together:

1970 Nova ALL 3

As much as I like the Copic rendered style – and I really love markers – the black and white style is really unique and is quickly becoming “my thing.”

1970 Nova Complete

I added a red outline with my trusty Pilot roller ball to give it a black and red hot rod vibe. I think it makes the car look menacing.

That’s about all for the Nova…well, for now.

Remember, Christmas is coming! Car drawings make for a unique gift! You can order a commission of your own car or browse the store for current originals available, here.