Antique Racer Drawing

Sometimes when I’m set up at a show to sell art, I’ll get some down time between customers. This gives me a little bit of an opportunity to get a quick sketch in. Last weekend, we were set up in Imlay City at an antique festival and I sketched out this antique racer drawing.
I started with a basic line drawing using a Micron 005 extra fine pen.

Next, I added some atmosphere using a Micron 05 heavier weight pen. Sharpie is a great tool for filling in shaded areas in the body and under the vehicle. I like to incorporate the vintage spark plug motif in a lot of my drawings, so I put it on the rear sail panel behind the driver on this race car.

Since it’s a race car, I thought it would be fun to add a little checker flag and some atomic starbursts behind the car. I thought the tires came out well, which were shaded with hatching rather than a solid weight render. A nice fat weight black line surrounds the car and flag, which I think gives it a little touch of vintage hot rod art flare.

I like the look of the indoor booth space. The mesh racks look much more professional than last year’s set up.

Some of the sketches I make at shows like this end up framed and available for sale on the racks. This antique racer drawing will likely be next!