1963 Corvette Front View Drawing

1963 Corvette Front View Drawing

As promised, here is part 2 of the 1963 Corvette package that I started last week. This drawing is a front view, slightly elevated above eye level, which exposes the hood, tops of the fenders, and some of the interior. I don’t do many head-on views like this anymore, but this 1963 Corvette front view drawing recalls some of my first paintings, which I created nearly ten years ago.

1963 Corvette Finished

Here, I started with a basic pencil sketch on oversized toned gray paper, which I then overlaid with Micron 01 pen.

1963 Corvette Pencil

Next, I laid in thicker lines with Micron 03, 05, and 08 to give some depth.

At this point, the line work was complete, and I began using the markers. I rendered the non-body portions first. There are lots of details like the orange marker lights, hood badge, and chrome. I also added some pink in the chrome bumper to represent the reflection of the front valence.

1963 Corvette Grays

Next, I began the body work with a variety of pink and red Copic markers, moving from light to dark. First, I used three shades of pink.

Once the base was established, I finished the body work with two shades of red and one shade of maroon to really emphasize the depth in the paint.

1963 Corvette Reds

The last touch in this 1963 Corvette front view drawing is the white charcoal pencil which represents light reflection in the windshield, body, and chrome. I’m especially proud of the bumper reflections in the lower portion of the front valence bodywork.

1963 Corvette white

All said, here is a photo of all the tools I used in this piece, including six shades of red, eight shades of gray, and five pen weights.

1963 Corvette tools

Finally, I framed the drawing in 14×18 with mat.

1963 Corvette framed

They look pretty good together, don’t they?

1963 Corvette together side by side
1963 Corvette Together Vertical