VW Beetle Drawing

VW Beetle Drawing

The peoples’ car. I was thrilled to be asked to draw this 1956 Volkswagen Beetle for a friend – the first commission piece of 2021! This VW Beetle drawing depicts the classic Bug, the number two highest-produced car of all time, and a lovable classic. It even has its own film franchise!

VW Beetle Scan

I’m really proud of the way this drawing turned out – I experimented a little with the marker and white charcoal interface and I think it made a nice representation of light reflection on the body panels.

VW Beetle Pencil

First, I used pencil to create a rough sketch on toned gray paper. The ellipses help to keep the wheels looking round.

Once I was satisfied with the proportions, I laid down the line work with Micron pens. Micron 02 started the drawing off, and heavier weights were laid in sequentially to give atmosphere to the drawing.

VW Beetle Marker

Next, I started laying in the marker work. I used neutral grays, starting at N0 and working all the way up to N7.

VW Beetle White

Here’s where I laid in the white charcoal for light reflection on the door, hood, and fender. The paper has a lot of tooth, so it had to be blended pretty heavily, but I think it turned out really cool!

VW Beetle final

I added in a few finishing touch details and dusted it off!

VW Beetle Framed

I framed and matted the drawing in 8×10, and shipped it off to its new owner. I’m really proud of this one, I hope he enjoys it!

Don’t forget to visit the gallery here to see the latest drawings.