2020 Year In Review

2020 Year In Review

For many – I dare even say most – 2020 was a dumpster fire of a year. However, for Jessie and I, 2020 was a great year. We had a baby, I incorporated the art business, and we achieved several exciting personal goals. One of the most exciting is the improvement I’ve made on my art. I try to draw every day. Some drawings turn out great, others not so great. What’s strange is that many of my favorites aren’t necessarily my wife’s, or don’t get very many likes on social media, and vice versa. Either way, I try my best to learn what works and what doesn’t, and get a little better with each drawing. I’m especially proud of my progress this year, and I thought it would be fun to do a 2020 year in review of this year’s wins.

The very first week in January, I made these two drawings, which turned out to be favorites – a ’56 Chevy wagon and a shoebox Ford. It’s nice to have some wins right out of the gate! I used the Shoebox as the header on this website for awhile.

I was fortunate enough to have several commission pieces throughout the year, for which I’m very grateful. Some stayed in Michigan, while others shipped to Ohio and even as far as Georgia! This ’71 Mach 1 even went all the way to Germany! I’ve always said there’s no way to explain the feeling when someone is willing to give their hard-earned money for your creative services. It’s an honor.

Also this year, I incorporated the art outfit, and designed a logo!

We also began setting up to vend at art shows and car shows with this sweet canopy!

We ordered stickers!

We also set up merch shops with Teespring and Society 6!

Covid-19 hit everyone pretty hard this year and caused everyone to have to quarantine at home for a few months. Finding ways to pass time and keep everyone busy was occasionally a challenge, but coloring line drawings was one activity we made available on the website!

As you can see, there was a lot of activity in 2020. In addition to all that, some of my favorite drawings came out this year. This 2-door Suburban and 1929 Dodge were drawn using markers on toned tan paper, and are currently framed and hanging in our house.

Finally, I discovered what I believe is my favorite style, this black-and-white on toned gray style that really pops off the page!

There are so many more drawings that are among my favorites, but I just don’t have space to lay them all out here. It’s been a really good year. Thanks for joining me in this 2020 Year In Review! I’m excited to see what 2021 brings!