’54 Plymouth Sketch
Having a new baby in the house means sleep is illusive. Time seems to speed up, while the time and effort it takes to do things seems to slow down. Having the energy to really dig into projects can be difficult. Yesterday, I just needed to blow off some steam with a loose, simple drawing. So, here’s a ’54 Plymouth Sketch.

I had the ’54 Plymouth on my mind from last week, but mine was a 4-door which just kind of has wonky proportions. I wanted to experiment with a 2-door coupe and what that might look like. I used this 1954 Savoy as a visual guide. Also, I needed something that wouldn’t be too fussy to sketch out. In my opinion, cars built anytime before the fin-era of the 1950s are pretty forgiving with simple flowing curves and lines. Since I had just been working on my ’54 and had some of the lines already familiarized, I chose to make another ’54 Plymouth sketch, but this time in 2-door form.

Unfortunately, I didn’t photo in-process pictures. This sketch was for my own relaxation – I was in “the zone.”
I chose to draw this car on Strathmore Toned Gray paper. After the Micron line work was completed, I laid down the Copic Wide W3 stripes for some flavor. The car was rendered with Copic Natural grays from N1 up through N6. The shadowing was done with Sharpie.
Finally, I added some white for the tires, windshield glare, and chrome reflections using white charcoal pencil and Posca white. The last touch was the Posca white outline around the car.
It came out a little cartoony, but sometimes I just need to turn my mind off and scribble to let out the steam.