Pie Rod Drawing

Pie Rod Drawing

Happy Thanksgiving! This year, for Thanksgiving I thought I’d make this little pie rod drawing.

Pie Rod Scan

Based on an early ’30s Ford sedan delivery, I chopped the top, removed the fenders, and put a blown small block Chevy up front.

Pie Rod Pencil

I started by roughing out the car with pencil on toned gray Strathmore paper. Next, I outlined the car in Micron 01 and 05 pen. The light shading was done with white charcoal pencil, and the outline was completed with Posca white.

Pie Rod Finished

I’m very thankful for a lot of things – I certainly don’t go without anything. Hot rods are super cool and give me some stress relief, but I’m thankful most for my family and our health. 2020 has actually been a really great year for us, despite the common circumstances.

As we move into December and Christmas commissions are underway, we’re reflecting on all our blessing from the year with full hearts. In addition to my family, I’m thankful and grateful to all of you car people with whom I share a common camaraderie and love for engines and horsepower.

So for Thanksgiving, here’s my pie rod drawing, and here’s to 2020 being a GREAT year of blessings, family, growth, and learning.

