Shoebox Ford Drawing

Shoebox Ford Drawing

I’m right in the thick of finishing up several commission pieces and getting ready for some art shows coming up this summer. I needed to start this week on a piece that was for me – this is one of my favorite hot rod platforms. This Shoebox Ford drawing represents a clean line style that was built between 1949-1951.

Shoebox Ford Scan

I just dove in on this one and didn’t take many in-process photos. I started as I do on most drawings, roughing the shape out with pencil and then re-tracing with Micron pen. I like to draw the whole piece in Micron 01 and then use 02, 03, and 05 heavier line weights to create atmospheric perspective. Micron 1 brush pen was used to fill in the large shaded areas.

Shoebox Ford Line Drawing

I finished the drawing with Posca white paint pen.

Shoebox Ford finished

This Shoebox Ford Drawing was created on toned gray paper, and the linework was done with the help of Alvin Ship Curves.

This drawing is a very different style and build type from the Shoebox gasser I started 2020 with. Which do you like better?