Bullet Nose Studebaker

Bullet Nose Studebaker

There’s something quirky and cool about the early ’50s bullet nose Studebaker – the styling is unique and aggressive, paying homage to some of the great fighter aircraft of WWII. I drew this one on toned gray paper.

Studebaker Scan

Here’s the rough pencil sketch. At this point, I was unsure if I was going to be able to capture the detail in the grille. I really like how the stance turned out though – it looks like it’s leaning forward.

Studebaker pencil

Here’s the first layer of line drawing in Micron 005. I think the grille worked out.

Studebaker Micron 005

Then, the second layer line drawing with Micron 02. Despite all the contours, there weren’t a lot of clear places to add depth. Here is the final line drawing:

Studebaker Micron 02

I rendered the shadowing with Sharpie and a variety of Micron pens.

Studebaker render

Finally, my favorite part: adding Posca White for the shiny parts:

Studebaker Posca White

It looks like its dripping. I really like this style – it’s unique and really pops. This bullet nose Studebaker is the second drawing I’ve made in this style, second to the ’51 Mercury from last week.