Different Styles

Different Styles

It’s fun to experiment with different styles. After I finish a drawing, I usually hang it on the fridge (like a 5th grader) for all (my wife and I) to see. Right now, there are three distinct styles hung on the fridge.

Fully Rendered & Detailed on Toned Tan:

I’ve grown to really love this style. The drawing really pops on toned tan paper, and pops even more with an outline.

The marker really soaks into this paper due to the porosity and blends well. This might be my favorite style.

Hatch Shaded / Chicken Skratch:

This is a fun style, but can be hard to get right. Minimalism and line weight are key here. Sometimes throwing in a tiny bit of color can be fun to give it some edge.

Sharpie Shaded:

This is a new one I just started playing with this week. Also very cool, and done right gives a classic hot rod art vibe. The key to this one, again, is minimalism with the Sharpie.

All three are fun and unique styles I’ve been learning about. Which is your favorite?