Chicken Scratch ’32 Roadster

Chicken Scratch ’32 Roadster

I do my best to draw something each day. I don’t always get to it, but even if I can just spend ten or twenty minutes, it keeps the feel of the pen fresh. Some say it takes 10,000 hours of practice and study to become an expert at something. I’m light years away from from that, but I have grown a lot in the two years I’ve been doing this.

This past Wednesday night, I had a hard time feeling motivated. Even so, once I get myself to sit down and start, I really enjoy the experience. I decided to draw one of my favorite (and fairly simple) forms, the ’32 Ford, in one of my favorite (and easiest) orientations, from the side, using just a Bic pen with some red accents.

I like the hatch shading style. It’s fun.