Sometimes, Just Experiment.

Sometimes, Just Experiment.

Everything doesn’t have to be just perfect all the time – sometimes, it’s important to experiment, let your hair down and just relax and do whatever. Have some courage and expect poor results, but just try something. The same goes for art. Color outside the lines. Be sloppy. Don’t worry about proportions (look at Picasso…). See what happens if you break the rules.

This was originally supposed to represent a 1968 Ford full size wagon, like a Ranch Wagon or something, but it actually came out looking more like a Falcon.

Like with every drawing, there are some things I like and some things I don’t. I like the shading and color. I used purple to represent shadows (like in the wheels and interior) but not everywhere. I like shading on the hood and the sloppy-ish grille shadowing.

If I were to do it over, I might use my straight edge more. I’d also probably make the wheels shorter and the body wider to give it more big-car presence.

This car was sketched out with pencil, shaded with Copic markers, and outlined with ink pen.